THE 4TH GLOBAL TRAVEL VIDEO COMPETITION 参赛通知 NOTICE 旅游是各国人民相互了解、相互学习的有益活动,更是增进友谊、和平发展的有效途径,在新冠疫情肆虐全球、旅游业遭受重创的困难时期,我们仍可通过互联网来“指点江山,云游天下”,我们更可通过旅游视频来发现令人向往的景点。风雨过后,旅游必将是拉动内需、扩大内循环的有效手段,并产生报复性消费新态势。在已成功举办了三届大赛的基础上,第四届全球旅游视频大赛从2022年1月1日起正式启动,欢迎旅游单位和旅游个人踊跃参赛。 一, 参赛资格及分类:本届大赛分“旅游单位”和“旅游个人”两大类进行评选。“旅游单位”是指全球各国及地区、中国各省、自治区文旅厅、各市、县文旅局、各景区、景点等旅游相关机构和集团公司等出品方(谢绝电视台、电影厂等影视、传媒、广告等摄制方直接参赛,但摄制方也可通过出品方报名参赛)。“旅游个人”是指全球各国各地区公民。全球各国各地区任何“旅游单位”和“旅游个人”均可参赛,免报名费、参评费。本大赛是公益性的、开放式的,无门槛的,凡个人或单位主动报名或他人推荐的,只要是公开发布的旅游视频,主办方都认可有参赛资格。 二, 视频要求:凡以全球各国和地区与旅游相关主题和内容为对象拍摄的任何样式的旅游视频均可参赛,如城市或旅游形象片、宣传片、风光片、MV、快闪、微电影、短视频、航拍片、旅游日志、VLOG等,格式是720、1080、2K、4K皆可,片长10分钟以内。 三, 参赛方法:上传视频至全球旅游视频网 www.uuutour.com(注意:注册后加管理员:"游有由"为好友可开通权限)并下载参赛报名表按“旅游单位”和“旅游个人”分类填写后上传。也可将百度网盘地址发到邮箱,以及将U盘和报名表快递至:上海市静安区青海路138 号1层D座(全球旅游视频大赛组委会收),邮编:200041 ,联系电话:021-52288928,邮箱: uuu@uuutour.com 或 uuutour@163.com 参赛者联络人请扫页尾二维码加入微信群。 四, 参赛评选:“旅游单位”的参赛片由专家组成的评委会,按初评、复评、终评三个流程,最终评选出“最佳视频奖”“最优视频奖”“最美视频奖”若干。 “旅游个人”参赛片由全球旅游视频网、全球旅游视频网微信公众号等相关新媒体统一发布后,按点击量由高至低,评选出50部旅游视频,最终在全球旅游视频网及微信公众号上发布,供网民投票,按得票数由高至低,评选出“最受网民喜爱的十大全球旅游视频”奖。 五, 大赛时间:从2022年1月1日起开始征收作品并在全球旅游视频网及微信公众号和上海热线等新媒体上展播,投稿截止日为2022年9月30日,颁奖大会将在2022年11月中旬在上海召开的中国国际旅交会期间举办。 六, 主办单位:全球旅游视频网、上海市旅游行业协会景点分会 协办单位:上海热线、IPTV、旅游时报、江南游报 承办单位:游有由传媒 全球旅游视频大赛组委会
Tourism is a useful way for people of all countries to communicate with and learn from each other; It is also an effective way to promote friendship and peace. In the difficult period when the COVID-19 is ravaging the world and the tourism industry has been severely hit, we can still travel the world through the Internet and even discover the desirable spots through travel videos. After the disease, tourism will become a more effective means to boost domestic demand and expand the internal cycle, as well as generate new dynamics of retaliatory consumption. After the three previous successful competitions, the fourth Global Travel Video Competition has officially launched since January 1, 2022, and we welcome “Travel Units and “Tourism Individuals” to participate. 1. Qualification and Classification: There are two categories in this year's competition: "Travel Units" and "Travel Individuals". "Travel Units" refers to the program publishers of tourism-related organizations and group companies from all countries and regions around the world, provinces in China, tourism bureaus in municipalities, scenic spots, and attractions (production houses such as TV stations, film studios and other film, media and advertising producers do not have direct access, but can also apply for entries through program publishers). "Travel Individuals" refers to citizens of all countries and regions around the world. Any "Travel Units" and "Travel Individuals" from all countries and regions of the world can participate, and do not need registration and evaluation fees. The competition is welfare, public and does not have any threshold, where every individual or unit who has applied or is recommended by others, as long as has the public release of travel videos, will be recognized as eligible to participate. 2. Video requirements: Any travel video in any style, such as city or travel image film, promotional film, scenery film, MV, flash mob, microfilm, short video, aerial film, travel log, VLOG is eligible. The video format can be 720, 1080, 2K or 4K, with a length of 10 minutes or less. 3. Entrance: Upload the video to the global travel video website ( www.uuutour.com), download the application form and fill it out according to the categories of "Travel Units" and "Travel Individual". Can also deliver the flash drive and application form to the following address: Block D, 1st F, 138 Qinghai Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai (received by the Global Travel Video Competition Organizing Committee), Postal Code: 200041, Contact: 021-52288928, Email: uuutour@163.com4. Prize Selections: "Travel Units" will be judged by experts. There will be several prize winners of the "Best Video", "Outstanding Video award" and "The Most Beautiful Video ", according to the initial evaluation, re-evaluation, final evaluation. “Travel Individuals” will be judged by the public. After the release of videos on World Travel Online, its official WeChat account, and other new media platforms, 50 individual travel videos will be selected according to the number of clicks. Finally, the "Top Ten Most Popular Global Travel Videos" will be selected according to the number of votes from the public. 5. Schedule: Starting from January 1, 2022, the videos will be collected and displayed on the global travel video website and new media platforms such as World Travel Online, its official WeChat account and Shanghaitown. The deadline for submission is September 30, 2022, and the award ceremony will be held during the China International Travel Fair to be held in Shanghai in mid-November 2022. 6. Organizers: World Travel Online / uuu Tour and Tourist Attractions Branch of Shanghai Tourism Trade Association; Co-organizers: Shanghai Online, IPTV, Traval Times, Jiangnan Tourism Weekly; Undertaker:uuu Tour Global Travel Video Competition Organizing Committee
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单位/COMPANY(盖章/STAMP) | 参赛须知: [size=9.0000pt]1.本大赛目的是为宣传推广全球各国的旅游景点及相关机构和设施等,参赛者递交投寄旅游视频作品后,即等于授权主办方发布,主办方有权用于相关网站和电视及手机、微信公众号等媒体展播,供网民投票评选。 [size=9.0000pt]2.参赛者对参赛作品的知识产权及版权、著作权等权益自行全权负责,如有侵权等违法行为,则一切法律责任由参赛者自负,与主办方无关,本大赛仅提供展播平台,不负责和承担每个作品的版权审核等其他法律义务。 [size=9.0000pt]3.本大赛纯粹是公益性的、学术性的、开放性的,主办方不收取报名费、评奖费、会务费等任何费用。
NOTE: 1.1. The competition aims to promote the tourist attractions, travel-relevant organizations and facilities all over the world. Once the participants submit the travel videos to the organizer, the organizer has been authorized to release these videos. The organizer is entitled to use them on websites, TV channels, mobile phone networks, WeChat accounts and other media for viewing and voting. 2.2. The participants are solely responsible for the intellectual property rights, copyrights, whatsoever of their submitted works. In case of copyright violations, such as infringement of rights, all legal liabilities are borne by the participants and the organizer is not held responsible. The competition only provides the display platform of the participants’ works, but is not responsible for or undertake other legal obligations such as copyright verification of each work. 3.3. The competition is non-profit, academic and open. There will be no charges on application, competition, servicing costs and other fees from the organizer. |
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| 内容简介 (100字内) SYNOPSIS (WITHIN 100 WORDS) | [size=12.0000pt] [size=12.0000pt] [size=12.0000pt] [size=12.0000pt] [size=12.0000pt] [size=12.0000pt] [size=12.0000pt] [size=12.0000pt] [size=12.0000pt] [size=12.0000pt] [size=12.0000pt] [size=12.0000pt]
参赛人签字/SIGN | 参赛须知: [size=9.0000pt]1.本大赛目的是为宣传推广全球各国的旅游景点及相关机构和设施等,参赛者递交投寄旅游视频作品后,即等于授权主办方发布,主办方有权用于相关网站和电视及手机、微信公众号等媒体展播,供网民投票评选。 [size=9.0000pt]2.参赛者对参赛作品的知识产权及版权、著作权等权益自行全权负责,如有侵权等违法行为,则一切法律责任由参赛者自负,与主办方无关,本大赛仅提供展播平台,不负责和承担每个作品的版权审核等其他法律义务。 [size=9.0000pt]3.本大赛纯粹是公益性的、学术性的、开放性的,主办方不收取报名费、评奖费、会务费等任何费用。
NOTE: 1.1. The competition aims to promote the tourist attractions, travel-relevant organizations and facilities all over the world. Once the participants submit the travel videos to the organizer, the organizer has been authorized to release these videos. The organizer is entitled to use them on websites, TV channels, mobile phone networks, WeChat accounts and other media for viewing and voting. 2.2. The participants are solely responsible for the intellectual property rights, copyrights, whatsoever of their submitted works. In case of copyright violations, such as infringement of rights, all legal liabilities are borne by the participants and the organizer is not held responsible. The competition only provides the display platform of the participants’ works, but is not responsible for or undertake other legal obligations such as copyright verification of each work. 3.3. The competition is non-profit, academic and open. There will be no charges on application, competition, servicing costs and other fees from the organizer. |