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第四届全球旅游视频大赛 THE 4TH GLOBAL TRAVEL VIDEO COMPETITION 参赛通知 INSTRUCTION 全球各国、各州、省、市旅游局、景区景点: 为让中国人通过旅游来实践美丽“中国梦”,并介绍推介全球各地的旖旎风光和各国的异域风情,旅游界 “奥斯卡”——首届全球旅游视频大赛已于2014年11月15日上海国际旅交会期间举行了隆重的颁奖仪式,匈牙利副国务秘书阿达姆如新高代表外国获奖发言,印度等国家旅游局领导参加了颁奖大会。上海市政协常委、上海市旅游局原局长道书明颁奖、上海旅游协会常务副会长朱承蓉致词并宣布第二届全球旅游视频大赛同时启动。获奖名单详见2014年11月17日《中国旅游报》第七版和www.uuutour.com游有由全球旅游视频网,欢迎贵单位继续踊跃参赛。 一,作品要求:以全球任何一个国家或该国的旅游城市和旅游景区、景点或旅游设施为拍摄对象,以旅游为主题或与旅游相关的各类旅游风光片、介绍片、宣传片、广告片、形象片、艺术片、纪录片、音乐片、MV、微电影、情景剧、电视剧、故事片等任何影视样式的视频均可参赛。 二,参赛资格:国家和地区不限,出品和承制单位不限,单位和个人不限,参赛作品数量不限,样式和片长不限,拍摄日期不限,是否曾参加其他赛事或获奖及主动报名或公众推荐等都不限。 三,大赛时间:即日起开始征收作品并在游有由全球旅游视频网及微信公众号上展播,截止日期为2020年10月31日,2020年11月在上海举办的中国国际旅交会上颁奖。 四,参赛方法:从www.uuutour.com游有由·全球旅游视频网下载报名表,并邮寄DVD或U盘,邮寄地址:上海市静安区青海路138号1层D座大赛组委会收,邮编200041。电话021-52288928 Email:uuu@ccmmv.cn QQ1482274313 五,主办单位:上海市旅游行业协会景点分会、游有由全球旅游视频网。
To Tourism Bureaus of Cities, Provinces, States and Countries, and Scenic Spots throughout the globe:
In order to allow Chinese people realize the Chinese Dream through travel and to introduce the exquisite sceneries and the exotic atmosphere of all over the world, a grand awarding ceremony of the 1st Global Travel Video Competition- the Oscar of tourism industry- was held during the Shanghai International Tourism and Trade Fair on Nov. 15, 2014. Adam Ruszinko, Hungarian Deputy Secretary of the State, made a speech on behalf of the foreign winners. Top officials from foreign tourism administration, such as India, attended the ceremony. Dao Shuming, member of Shanghai Municipal CPPCC Standing Committee and the former Director of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Tourism, presented the award and Zhu Chengrong, Vice President of Shanghai Tourism Association, addressed the ceremony and announced the beginning of the 2ND Global Travel Video Competition. The complete list of award winners could be seen on the 7th page of the China Tourism News or www.uuutour.com - the website of global travel videos. We hope you will continue to participate the competition actively. 1.Requirements: Subjects of the video shall be a country or the tourist cities, tourist attractions or tourist facilities of THE country. The theme of the video is travel or travel related, any genre is accepted, e.g., landscape films, introductory films, promotional films, advertising films,artistic films, documentaries, music films, MVs, micro-films, sitcoms, TV dramas, features, etc.. 2.Rules: There are no limitations on the country or region, whether the video is submitted by the producer or commission unit, or by individuals or production units, the number of entries, the genre, the duration and the production date, or whether the work has ever applied to other competition and awarded, or whether the video is signed up actively or recommended by others. 3.Schedule: Entries are collected de dato and will be put on www.uuutour.com and WeChat account. The deadline is Oct. 31, 2016. The awarding ceremony will be held during the Shanghai International Tourism and Trade Fair in November 2016. 4.Submission: Please download Entry Form from www.uuutour.com. Send DVD or USB drive containing your travel videos to: Global Travel Video Competition Committee, Room D, Floor 1, 138 Qinghai Rd., Jing’an District, Shanghai. Zip code 200041, Tel: 021-52288928, E-mail: 303770168@QQ.com 5.Organizers: Scenic Spots Division of Shanghai Tourism Industry Association and www.uuutour.com - the global travel video website.
Global Travel Video Competition Committee